Expand your Health & Wellness Business

into the Corporate Sector



Friday 9th August 2024 at 9:30 am (AEST)


Thursday, 8th August at 7:30 pm (EST)

Thursday, 8th August at 11:30 pm (GMT)

Friday, 9th August at 11:30 am (NZST)


Are you a health coach, wellness consultant, healthcare professional looking for a way to expand your business?

Perhaps you want to escape the 1:1 coaching model, but you’re not sure which direction to take?


The Corporate Health/Workplace Wellness market is expanding rapidly. In this one-hour webinar, I will show you how to transform your business from surviving to THRIVING, by delivering your wellness services to corporate clients. 

If you nod along to any of the following, then this is the webinar for you! 


  • “I’m nervous about approaching an organisation with my programs and offerings”
  • “I want to work with groups of people and escape the 1:1 coaching model”
  • “I want to feel confident in delivering my message”
  • “I’m interested in breaking into the corporate health and wellness market, but I have no idea where to start”
  • “I’m struggling to find consistent clients and fill my programs”
  • “I want to transform the lives of more people”
  • “I want regular, sustainable income, where I no longer have to worry about making ends meet”
  • “I’m looking for some direction and guidance on how to create a profitable and abundant corporate-focussed business”



In This Webinar You Will Learn

How you can get started in Corporate Health and Workplace Wellness

What you can earn working in Corporate Health and Workplace Wellness

How to get Corporate clients to fall in love with your wellness services, even if you have never approached a Corporate Client before.  

Q&A at the end of the live webinar



Receive a FREE 6-part Mini Course
to help get you started 

This webinar is for you if:

  • You’re curious to learn more about coaching in the Corporate Health & Workplace Wellness space
  • You’re a qualified coach or wellness consultant with a minimum of 10 coaching hours under your belt
  • You want to overcome fear and uncertainty around stepping into the world of Corporate Health
  • You want to work with more people and earn more money in your business
  • You want to learn from someone who’s been in your shoes, and can support you to build a successful and sustainable business


Let Christine show you how to create a profitable and

stress-free Wellness Business!


The webinar was fabulous and you deliver so much pragmatic value in that webinar. Thank you for your generosity. I loved it and got so much out of it. And your results are amazing!

About Christine Boucher


Christine Boucher is passionate about transforming the health and workplace culture of organisations - both big and small. 

She is a nurse-turned Health Coach, who started her coaching journey working one on one with clients. She quickly discovered that there was a better way - and that was by delivering Workshops and engaging Health Programs to the corporate market.

This shift in business allowed Christine to increase her revenue to over $30,000 per month, all while supporting her 2 children and becoming confident in her capabilities and offerings. 

Christine will support and empower you to increase your revenue and build a profitable, successful and sustainable wellness business!